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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Deletion policy and the translation is 7% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Deletion policy and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

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Zum d Allmänd effiziänt instand halte chönne,mien Löschrichtlinie für s Lösche vo Material uffgstelltwerre, wo uss verschydene Gründ nit do ßy sott. Bilder, Videos, Musik- und alli andere Dateie werre do als "Dateie" und alli Artikelsite, Kategorye und Diskussione als "Site" bezeichnet. Die Site do erlütert keini Urheberrächtsfroge oder d Lizänzpolitik; dodezüe findsch öbbis uff Commons:Licensing/de.

There are three main deletion procedures. These are applied in different cases, depending on the reason for deletion:

  • Speedy deletion: in some cases, files may be deleted more or less immediately. If you are absolutely certain that the deletion of a page or file falls in the speedy deletion criteria such as an upload error of yours, a clear copyvio, “non-free” and such (more outlined in detail below) the file is a candidate for speedy deletion. All affected (tagged) files can be found below Category:Candidates for speedy deletion.
  • Deletion tagging: for a variety of situations there are specialised templates to apply, which result in deletion after a time (often 7 days) if the problem hasn't been resolved.
  • Regular deletion: If there may be the need for discussion (which is in many cases the recommended way especially if you are new to Commons and have concerns about licensing issues), the file/page should be listed as a deletion request. In any case involving doubt, use deletion request instead of asking for speedy deletion. Please tag the file/page in those cases with {{Delete}} and please don't forget to give a reason below the tag and to add the image at Commons:Läschàtràga and inform the uploader.

In all cases consider using GlobalUsage to get some idea of where images are in use before deletion.


Legal issues

Copyright violation


The speedy deletion tag {{Copyvio}} is for obvious copyright violations. Use {{copyvio|1=Reason}} or {{copyvio|source=URL}} to explain why it’s a copyright violation. Note that if a media file or article is a suspected but not clear copyright violation (including all copyrighted works in public spaces), it should be placed on Commons:Läschàtràga.

Ohni Informatione zum Urheberrächt

Wenn d Informatione zu de Quälle oder Lizänz fehle, no sottsch si mit {{subst:nsd}} oder {{subst:nld}} markiere. Bitte benochrichtig au dä wo d Datei uffeglade hät, dass du s Bild markiert häsch (lüeg dodezüe d Hywys uff de Vorlag, nochdëm dr s Bild markiert häsch. Deno hät de Uffelader sybe Dag Zit dezüe, d Informatione z vervollständige. Wenn s Problem noch re Wuch nit besitigt worre isch, no cha d Datei schnällglöscht werre. Wenn öbber gnüeg Informatione zu de Lizänz und de Quälle glyfert hät, no sott mer d Markierig entferne. Du sottsch sonigi Bilder nit zur Löschig oder Schnälllöschig amälde. Do si noch Datum markiert ßin, cha e Ammann (Administrator) in de Underkategorye vo Category:Missing legal information automatisch seh, welli glöscht werre chönne.

Files missing source or licensing information should be tagged with one of the following messages.

  • {{subst:nsd}} (no/missing source, tagged by date)
  • {{subst:nld}} (no/incomplete licensing information, tagged by date)
  • {{subst:npd}} (no/missing permission, tagged by date)
  • {{subst:dw-nsd}} (derivative work, no/missing original source, tagged by date)

Please notify the uploaders that you have tagged the file as well (see notes on the templates after tagging a file with them). After this they will have 7 days to fix the information.

If after this period of time sufficient license and source information is provided, the tag should be removed. If it is not fixed, the file is then eligible for speedy deletion. However, you should not list such files for deletion or speedy deletion. Because they are tagged by date, an administrator can automatically see which ones are eligible for deletion by navigating subcategories of Category:Missing legal information.

Non-free licenses and fair use

Per Commons licensing policy, Wikimedia Commons accepts only free content, that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, anytime, for any purpose. Commons also does not host “fair use” copies of non-free content (see Commons:Fair use), other than some non-free symbols of the WMF projects.

  • Files licensed only under a non-free license (like fair use, noncommercial or permission-only) may be speedy-deleted using the {{Speedydelete}} tag (be sure to give a reason: {{speedydelete|Reason}}).
  • The speedy deletion tag {{Fair use}} is for files that have been tagged with a fair use rationale.

Other licensing/copyright issues

A file or page can be listed for deletion on Commons:Läschàtràga in the following cases:

  • The file/page has an unclear copyright status but the method described at Missing legal information cannot be used.
  • The file/page violates the licensing guidelines in some other way than being a clear copyright violation.


The tag {{Speedydelete}} is available for speedy deletion nominations where there is not a more specific speedy deletion tag. Don't forget to add a reason like this: {{speedydelete|Reason}}. Such cases include:

A violation of the privacy policy.

Out of scope

"Out of scope" files/pages should normally be listed at Commons:Läschàtràga.

Not educationally useful

The file is not realistically useful for an educational purpose. Examples of files that are not realistically useful include:

  • Private image collections, e.g. private party photos, photos of yourself and your friends, your collection of holiday snaps and so on. There are plenty of other projects on the Internet you can use for such a purpose, such as Flickr. Such private image collections do not become educational even if displayed as a gallery on a user page on Commons or elsewhere.
  • Self-created artwork without obvious educational use.
  • Files that add nothing educationally distinct to the collection of images we already hold covering the same subject, especially if they are of poor or mediocre quality.

Self-promotion or vandalism/attack

  • Advertising or self-promotion. (COM:ADVERT)
  • Files apparently created and/or uploaded for the purpose of vandalism or attack. Pre-existing designs and symbols that are or have been associated with nationalistic, religious or racist causes are not out of scope solely because they may cause offence. Provided they are legal to host and otherwise fall within Commons scope (e.g. if they could for example be used to illustrate a Wikipedia article on a hate group) they should be kept. (COM:VAND)
  • Other files uploaded in bad faith, such as for copyright trolling

Social issues

Photographs of identifiable people

Commons respects the legal rights of the subjects of our photographs and has a moral obligation to behave ethically with regard to photographs of people. This means certain photographs are unacceptable on Commons without appropriate consent from the subject. See Commons:Photographs of identifiable people.

Courtesy deletions

Even when not required to do so for legal or other policy reasons, Commons may at times choose to delete images, for example as a goodwill gesture to a photographer who has made a mistake. For proposed guidelines, see Commons:Courtesy deletions.


General: speedy deletion

The tag {{Speedydelete}} is available for speedy deletion nominations where there is not a more specific speedy deletion tag. Don't forget to add a reason like this: {{speedydelete|Reason}}. Such cases include:

  • Corrupted, infected by a virus, unintentionally blank, etc. (if in doubt, list it on Commons:Läschàtràga as an unknown format/content)
  • Has previously been deleted under Commons deletion guidelines
  • Was uploaded with the intent to be used solely for purposes of vandalism, personal attacks, and/or spamming
  • Empty and has no significant history
  • Patent nonsense, a test or vandalism
  • A user page or subpage whose deletion has been requested by the user
  • A user page or subpage of a nonexistent user
  • A redirect over which another page must be moved
  • A redirect to a nonexistent page
  • A category with no content or containing only a parent category, and obviously unusable for the future
  • A talk page of deleted content (unless they contain anything worth saving)

General: deletion nomination

Files/pages should be listed at Commons:Läschàtràga if

Naming issues

  • Please don't upload files again to change file names. To rename files, use {{rename|new_name|numeric rationale|additional reason}}.


Bildwiterleitige ("Redirects") ßin jetz möglig, sodass doppelti Dateie nit schnällglöscht, sondern witergleitet werre sotte.

Files that are not of the same file type are not duplicates, but instead possibly redundant (see below), and require a deletion request.

Wenn d Datei vom glyche Typ isch und du sicher bisch, dass si de glych Inhalt (Farb, Qualität usw) hät, nomarkier si mit {{duplicate|Image:Beispiel.jpg}}.

  • e Bitmapdatei (PNG, JPEG oder GIF), wo durch e Vektorgrafik ersetzt worre isch, wird nit als exakts Duplikat aglüegt und drum nit schnällglöscht. So Dateie sotte in de Löschaträg uffglistet werre, sodass Fall für Fall entschyde werre cha.
  • Wenn eins vo de Dupikat vom Autor uffeglade worre isch, no bhalt säll und leit di andere witer.
  • Wenn underschydligi Beschrybige oder Lizänzinformatione in de Bildbeschrybige existiere, no stell sicher, dass alli relevante Informatione bi de Kopy z finde ßin, wo mr bhalte.
  • If one of the duplicate copies of the image was uploaded by the author, keep that version and redirect the others.
  • If there are varying descriptions in the different image description pages, ensure all the relevant information is merged into the copy to be preserved.
  • After deleting the duplicate, redirect the deleted filename unless it is misleading or a very recent upload. (This avoids breaking links from external reusers of images.)

Note: if it is a work that is very similar (or identical) to another, but not an exact duplicate, it’s a redundant file, which mandates a different procedure. See below.

Redundant / schlächti Qualität

Redundanti Dateie und sonigi vo schlächter Qualität werre noch me reguläre Löschatrag glöscht. Dr sottsch dört de Grund age, wiso e bstimmti Datei schlächter isch wie-n-e anderi (beacht Commons talk:Deletion requests).

Nochdëm uff Commons:Deletion requests/de entschyde worre isch, müesch alli Vorcho, wo dr durch GlobalUsage finde chasch, durch di besseri Datei ersetze. Deno cha e Ammann d Datei lösche. Bitte acht immer druff, dass anderi Wikimedia-Projäkt d Datei no bruche chönnte. Im Zwyfelsfall löschisch eso-n-e Datei nit.

Template Usage
For speedy deletion
{{Duplicate}} For files that are exactly the same or scaled down.
{{Bad name}} Use this one if YOU have uploaded a file under a bad name.
For replacement
{{Superseded}} If a better file of the same theme was uploaded.
{{SupersededPNG}} Use for GIF & JPEG that have been superseded by PNG.
{{Vector version available}} Use for raster images that have been superseded by an SVG.
{{Technically replaced}} Use for SVG (usually) that have been replaced with an inferior file.
{{Original}} To protect the original file.

In case of a redundant page (not file), consider simply making it a redirect.

Procedures in detail


Siehe auch : Commons:Criteria for speedy deletion.

Under bstimmte Umständ cha e Datei/Site schnällglöscht werre. Schnälllöschige werre je noch Art mit einer vo denne Vorlage markiert:

  • {{copyvio}} für chlari Urheberrächtsverletzige. Bruch {{copyvio|Quälle oder Grund}} zum Erchläre, wiso's e Urheberrächtsverletzig isch.
  • {{speedydelete}} für anderi Gründ. Vergiss nit, e Grund azge: {{speedydelete|Grund}}
  • {{fair use}} für Dateie, wo mit "fair use" lizenziert worre ßin.

E Administrator wird d Site/Datei noch re gwüsse Zit lösche. Wer de Schnälllöschig widerspricht, sott si zu me reguläre Löschatrag umwandle (lüeg unde). Bitte stell sicher, dass alli lokale Verwys züe-n-re Datei oder Site vor ihrer Löschig korrigiert und aktualisiert werre. Dateie, wo zum Schnälllösche vorgschla worre ßin, finde sich under Category:Candidates for speedy deletion und in de Underkategorye. Beacht, dass e Datei in denne Fäll kei Schnälllöschkandidat isch:

  • Wenn si vermüetlig, aber nit hundertprozäntig e Urheberrächtsverletzig isch, no stell e Löschatrag.
  • Wenn e Arbet sehr ähnlig oder idäntisch mit re andere isch, no handelt sich's um e redundanti Datei.

Bitte nit vergässe: Stell vor em Schnälllösche vo-n-re Datei sicher, dass de Nutzer d Datei in Übereistimmig mit denne Richtlinie markiert hät. Wenn nit, no bass bitte d Nominierig entsprächend a. Überprief immer d Versionsgschicht zum Sicherstelle, dass nit e gültigi Bildbeschrybig vandalisiert worre isch. E Datei in de Category:Candidates for speedy deletion cha schnällglöscht werre, wenn si

  • bschädigt, vireinfiziert oder leerisch, e Browserabsturz verursacht usw. (im Zwyfelsfall stellsch e Löschatrag mit de Begründig "unbekannts Format/Inhalt"
  • scho-n-emol noch denne Richtlinie glöscht worre isch
  • under re nit-freie Lizänz stoht oder e offesichtligi Urheberrächtsverletzig isch
  • numme für Vandalismus, persönligi Agriff oder Spam uffeglade worre isch

E Site cha schnällglöscht werre, wenn si

  • leer,
  • e offesichtligi Urheberrächtsverletzig,
  • Blödsinn, e Test, Vandalismus oder
  • e Nutzersite oder Nutzer-Undersite isch, wo de Nutzer sälber d Löschig beatragt hät
  • e Witerleitig isch, wo durch e anderi Site ersetzt werre müeß
  • e Witerleitig züe-n-re Datei isch, wo's nit git
  • e Kategory ohni Inhalt oder numme mit re Oberkategory isch
  • d Diskussionssite vo-n-re Datei isch, wo scho öbber glöscht hät oder
  • usserhalb vom Projäktrahme litt.

The {{Copyvio}} template is an often-used speedy deletion tag used for files that are obvious, blatant copyright violations. Place the template at the top of the file's page, using: {{copyvio|1=Reason|source=URL}}. The source URL parameter is optional. After saving it, click on the template where it says "Click here to show further instructions", and copy the displayed {{Copyvionote}} template to the end of the uploader's talk page to notify them. A new section will be created automatically.

An administrator will delete the file/page in due time. If anyone disagrees with the speedy deletion of a particular file, please convert to a regular deletion request (see below). Always make sure that all local links to a file or page are corrected and updated before deletion. The files/pages listed for speedy deletion are included automatically in Category:Candidates for speedy deletion and its subcategories.

Please always remember: Before deleting images in speedy deletion, make sure that the user has placed it there in accordance with these deletion guidelines. If not, please modify the template, moving it off of this page. Always check the file history to determine that the proper image description has not been vandalised.

When speedy-deleting files, it is suggested but not required to run GlobalUsage in order to fix uses on Wikimedia projects.

Deletion tagging

In some cases a file may be tagged with a “problem tag”, and will be deleted if the problem is not resolved after a certain time (typically 7 days). See for example "#Missing legal information" above.


The AjaxQuickDelete gadget, enabled by default, creates a Nominate for deletion link in the lefthand “Tools” menu. (Requires Javascript)

Über s Lösche vo-n-re Site/Datei sott e Abstimmig gfiehrt werre, wenn si

  • e unbekannte Urheberrächtsstatus hät, aber d Methode vo #Ohni Informatione zum Urheberrächt nit agwändet werre cha
  • d Lizänz-Regle verletzt, aber kei offesichtligi Urheberrächtsverletzig isch
  • e falsche Name hät und e Datei/Site mit em richtige Name scho existiert. Du chasch si au mit {{duplicate}} markiere.
  • e Inhalt hät, wo nit cha ermittelt werre
  • schlächtgmacht isch und's e besseri Version hät
  • überflüssig isch und vo-n-re bessere Version ersetzt werre cha
  • vo keinem Wikimedia-Projäkt (au nit in nocher Züechunft) brucht wird (z.B. Gmäld vo me unbekannte Künschtler).

Zum e Löschatrag stelle, fieg bitte {{delete|Grund}} y und list d Site uff Commons:Deletion requests/de uff, dass dört e Abstimmig cha gfiehrt werre. Wie des genau goht, stoht uff Template:Delete/de (hochdütsch). Bi-n-re Mehrheit für d Löschig wird d Site/Datei vo me Administrator glöscht. 'S müeß aber vorher sichergstellt werre, dass alli Verwys do druff entfernt oder aktualisiert werre, z.B. mit em GlobalUsage. Meh Informatione und e Übersicht über d Dateie mit {{delete}} findet mer under Commons:Löschanträg. Wenn de emol mehreri Dateie/Site mit de glyche Begründig zur Löschig vorschla wottsch, no lüeg uff Commons:Deletion requests/Mass deletion request.

The file/page may be deleted on decision by an admin if there were good reasons given in the debate for doing so. Always make sure that all local links to a file or page are corrected and updated before deletion. When deleting a file from deletion requests, it is good practice to run GlobalUsage and orphan the usage of that file. More information can be found on Commons:Läschàtràga, and the files/pages listed for deletion are included in the Category:Deletion requests.

If you wish to nominate multiple items for deletion for the same reason (a mass request or mass nomination), please see Commons:Deletion requests/Mass deletion request.

Regular deletion requests are separate pages that are transcluded in other pages. Therefore if you wish to add one or several categories to a deletion request you should place the category or categories in the wikitext between <noinclude> and </noinclude> for the purpose that the category or categories apply only to the deletion request concerned. See also: Help:Noinclude, includeonly, and onlyinclude.


In general, requests can be closed by an administrator after seven days. Deletion requests for obvious copyright violations can be closed earlier. Problematic or complex requests (such as highly used templates) can wait longer – even for several months if necessary. Non-admins may close a deletion request as keep if they have a good understanding of the process, and provided the closure is not controversial. If in doubt, don't do it.

In addition, no user may close a deletion request as Kept which includes media they have uploaded.

Administrators are encouraged to check whether the uploader was notified on their talk page of the pending deletion request (unless the image is an obvious violation, in which case the image can be speedy deleted).

Deletion request pages are closed with {{Delh}} (DeletionHeader) at the top, with a signed summary of the result kept or deleted between a horizontal ruler ---- and the {{Delf}} (DeletionFooter) at the bottom. For a kept page {{Kept}} can be used on its talk page as pointer to the closed DR.


Zum re Diskussion widerspräche, wo denoch e Bild nit glöscht worre isch, sottsch zerscht mit em Ammann schwätze, wo d Diskussion gschlosse hät. Wenn dr dänksch, dass e Bild fälschligerwis glöscht worre isch, no chasch d Löschig bi de Widderherstelligswünsch beastande.

Wenn d Entscheidig uff de aktuälle Lizänz- und Projäktrahmesite basiert hät, no chasch dy Widerspruch uff de Diskussionssite formuliere, wo dezüe ghöre.


Kategorye werre nit glöscht, sondern witergleitet. Lüeg A file or page needs to be renamed or moved. Can this be done? in Commons:Hüfigi Froge#Technical questions; dodezüe hät's d Vorlag Template:Category redirect. Si wird nit gnutzt für Kategorye, wo falsch gschrybe ßin und wo's unwohrschinlig isch, dass si vo andere benutzt werre. Sonigi Kategorye sotte mit {{bad name|korräkte Name}} markiert werre.

Misspelled or misleading emptied old categories can be speedily deleted. See Commons:Rename a category. Categories that are empty and obviously unusable for the future (unlikely to be ever meaningfully used) can generally be deleted by speedy deletion. If possible, the deletion summary should contain a click-able link to the category (categories) where the previous content was moved.

If neither of the above cases apply, an entry can be placed at Commons:Categories for discussion (follow the link for instructions on how to do this).

See also