Comments on: Why Authenticity Is Important Mon, 06 Jul 2015 23:59:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gordon Tredgold Mon, 06 Jul 2015 23:59:37 +0000 In reply to Nine fifty.

Hi, actually i listened to the interview where he called illegal immigrants coming from Mexico murders, drug dealers and rapists. Which many in the media see as racist. I also highlight that the report he quoted never actually said which things, thy pointed out that the of women coming 80% hd been raped.

By: Nine fifty Mon, 06 Jul 2015 23:56:49 +0000 Could not disagree with you more. You are calling him names without knowing the facts. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

By: Gordon Tredgold Sat, 04 Jul 2015 20:58:42 +0000 In reply to Jaeson Santana.

Jason, fully agree with you. It is interesting that he has risen in the polls and he will see this as vindication of his actions

By: Jaeson Santana Sat, 04 Jul 2015 19:57:55 +0000 Excellent insight as always Mr. Tredgold.

Whoever handles Mr. Trump needs a lesson in “why perception rules” the political arena. As a handled in the political scene with carious electeds and cansidates, I know only too well that a candidate’s or elected’s authenticity is perceived makes or breaks him or her at the coting poll. This factor, more times than not, overpowers completely everything else that a voter should consider when casting his or her ballot.

While important to the politicals, come election day, it is equally important to other leaders as well. Perceived authenticity, real or not, directly and disproportionately influences every facet of a manager’s effectiveness.

By: Gordon Tredgold Sat, 04 Jul 2015 15:27:22 +0000 I agree with you Nate, and i think this has now given the election to Hilary Clinton.
The republicans will have lost an awful lot of the immigrant vote, of which i am now a part 🙂

By: Nate Regier Sat, 04 Jul 2015 14:25:09 +0000 Gordon, I enjoy your blogs and appreciate your insights. I admire your candor and thoughtfulness in sharing your perspective in this article. I happen to agree with you. My perspective is that Trump’s top priorities are 1) spotlight attention, and 2) money. His life has shown that everything else comes second. Unfortunately, his “tough-talk” probably inspires more polarization than anything. Gets attention, but doesn’t help our country.
