How to Develop a Unique Brand Identity Through Creative Marketing Decisions

What sets you apart from the competition? Perhaps it is your unwavering integrity, your delightful customer service, or a one-of-a-kind product found nowhere else on the planet.

Whatever your unique selling point happens to be if your audience is not aware of what makes you special, why should they choose your brand over others?

Uniqueness is often the catalyst that drives brand loyalty, develops authenticity, and increases positive visibility in the gaze of the modern consumer.

To ensure your brand is given the stage it deserves, complete with the right script and costume, here are some important creative marketing tips to bear in mind.

Taking a Cohesive, Multichannel Approach to Marketing

Since there are many platforms available to flaunt your wares upon, failing to utilize a cross-section of channels might leave a portion of your target audience in the dark.

This means announcing yourself on as many social media platforms as you can successfully manage, improving your SEO (search engine optimization) skills, and perhaps setting yourself apart from SMS marketing.

SMS marketing is an incredibly effective way of getting an important message across and can be a wonderful tool that synergizes neatly with the rest of your campaign; just check out this political SMS marketing software for a superb example.

All About the Voice

Developing a recognizable voice for your brand is often a key component in making effective creative marketing decisions.

There are fantastic examples of this, such as Wendy’s hilarious Twitter feed that rarely fails to engage or entice its audience. Of course, this makes them immediately recognizable, and it convinces people to follow them on social media because their page is exciting.

More followers mean more visibility, and more visibility can translate to more sales! Finding your voice is a vital part of the branding process, whether you decide to go for a funny and eccentric one like Wendy’s or an inspiring and emotionally intelligent one like Nike, as long as it reflects your brand’s values and engages the audience, you might be on to a winner.

Partnering Up for Double the Fun

Whether you decide to reach out to another brand to build a joint marketing campaign or enlist the help of some highly popular social media influencers, partnering up can be a good way to expand your marketing possibilities.

For one, it allows you a chance to reach out to a well-established, preexisting audience that might make the ideal customers.

It can also allow you to make use of more resources and capitalize on the opportunity to affiliate yourself with other companies that share your values, which can work wonders for your brand image overall.

You might want to consider hosting an Instagram takeover, as this can be a fun way of building your follower base through an exceptionally popular platform.

Brand Aesthetics

When thinking of Coca-Cola, Apple, Nike, Adidas, and countless others, their color scheme immediately springs to mind.

This is the power of a cohesive, recognizable, and unique brand aesthetic, a factor that should be strived for if you aim to make the most out of your creative marketing efforts.