Comments on: Motivation not demotivation! Fri, 14 Jun 2013 04:11:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: dealer Fri, 14 Jun 2013 04:11:25 +0000 … [Trackback]…

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By: Daniel Sánchez Reina Thu, 13 Sep 2012 21:41:21 +0000 I firmly believe that we, as leaders, cannot motivate. We can either demotivate (the most likely to happen because our skin is very sensitive) or create the environment where each one finds their motivation sources. We cannot know what motivates people. Maybe it is because of a good boss, or a good colleague, a nice climate, a flexible timetable, challenges or the lack of challenges,… And most likely they will never tell us because it can be a very personal and private reason. We have to be ‘climate creators’ so that each one finds their way. An environment of confidence, recognition, career opportunities, etc will contribute a lot.

By: Rajesh Haran Sat, 08 Sep 2012 18:23:59 +0000 At present in US,we saw both party leaders gave a motivational speech but that was slowing vaporizing. Motivation should be sustainable and should interest the people otherwise it will be merely a speech.

By: Gordon Tredgold Sat, 08 Sep 2012 17:38:05 +0000 In reply to Linda Jewell.

I have to say Linda, that comment immediately made me think of an earlier post, where i said if we have a problem and we want to know the cause get a mirror. You showed great leadership by thinking you might actually be the cause. I doubt that it is you, but it shows great humility to think it might be, it means you are prepared to consider all options.
Much appreciated, keep the comments coming

By: Gordon Tredgold Sat, 08 Sep 2012 17:33:56 +0000 In reply to mithun.

I would like to say that i was a leader, but in that moment, when i demotivated them, i was anything but.
It would have been so easy to just say “great job”, pat them on the back and leave them to go away happy.

By: Gordon Tredgold Sat, 08 Sep 2012 17:29:50 +0000 In reply to Linda Jewell.

Linda, i don’t think pushing too hard alone demotivates.
If they are being successful then you need make sure they feel they are getting the recognition for the work they do.
I would check to see if they are feeling over worked. Best way to find out is to ask them, you’re a great listener
so why not try that.

Sometime people need time to regain their breath after success, a bit of time to reflect on what they have achieved, then
they will be able to push on to the next level.

By: Linda Jewell Sat, 08 Sep 2012 17:09:44 +0000 Hmmm… I may have demotivated unintentionally. The team is making great strides for improvement yet employee satisfaction ratings is down. Could I be pushing too hard without enough acknowledgement?

By: mithun Sat, 08 Sep 2012 16:53:07 +0000 ” I had taken away the glory of their achievement and left them with the disappointment, disappointment that they hadn’t noticed the small change and made it themselves. ” …. i dont think this can be a thought of manager… these kind of thoughts only comes from a leader….
