Have you ever found yourself wondering how each day passes by so quickly and there’s nothing you have done or accomplished? If this is you, there’s no cause for panic yet. Many of us have days that go by with nothing done. Sometimes it’s a case of fatigue, while other times it could be a lack of proper time management techniques. This article will dwell on the latter because as much as we all can get tired, nothing says “less productive” than poor time management. So here are some techniques to get you started.

  1. An early bird still catches the worm – wake up early

This might be our first tip, but for people who say, “I’m not a morning person,” it may not be. However, the idea here is not to discourage your chronotype. Rather, it is to get you more hours of the day. By waking up early, you get more time to allocate to your work and daily activities. The body needs 6-8 hours of sleep to keep functioning at an optimum level. You can set your alarm to wake you up 15-20 minutes earlier than usual. You can use the extra time to meditate, exercise, or read a chapter or two of a book you love. You can gradually increase this time and consequently improve your productivity and time management.

  1. Wishes are not horses – Be SMART with your goals

When setting your daily goals, be SMART about it. SMART here stands for, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based. Your goals should be set to bring you the maximum benefits possible. If you use this approach, your productivity will be through the roof and your time management skills will only improve. Smart goals will bring structure to your life and prepare you for each day.

  1. Tough tasks should come first

Our minds have a way of rejecting tasks that seem too hard. Most of us are not procrastinators, we just slack when we can’t find a way to handle a difficult task. The best way to do it is to make it a priority. Get the demanding tasks out of the way early. Ideally, it needs to be the first thing you do in the morning or as you start your day. This will give you more time to focus on seemingly more straightforward tasks.

  1. Find out when you are most productive

You probably already know this by now. You have specific hours in your day when your focus is second only to an eagle’s. During this time, your productivity levels are high and your mind feeds off the external conditions. Some people refer to this as their ”zone.” Your “zone” can greatly contribute to how effectively you manage your time. Make the most of this time and take the tough tasks out of the way.

  1. Starve your distractions and feed your focus

There is something about distractions that eats away more time than you need them to. Checking your emails and social media notifications have to be some of the biggest detractions around the workplace. If you are not careful, you could end up with more work and end up procrastinating. When you have to work on high-priority tasks, keep your phone in silent or airplane mode. You will save a lot of time and be even more efficient at what you do.

  1. Multitasking is a distraction – don’t bite more than you can chew

Multitasking is not a super-skill to have, and even if it was, you probably don’t even have it – unless you belong to a rare 2% of people. Instead of taking much out of your plate, multitasking could actually end up choking your productivity. Instead of taking on 3 or 4 different tasks, try focusing on just one. If you have to take on several tasks at a time, try timeboxing them – allocating a time frame to each task. For instance, if you have to do a lab report and later take on a lighter task, try prioritizing the report first.

  1. Use a time management software

If you want to make every minute count and improve your productivity, try employing software that tracks time spent on tasks. With such programs, you can set time estimates, track the time it takes to complete tasks, and keep a record of every minute spent. Time management software like Clockify will help you keep track of time and improve the quality of your work and life.

  1. Stop and breathe

As much as it may be important to finish off tasks quickly, don’t bite it off in one chunk. Take small breaks to gather your thoughts and then go again. The idea is to stay fresh for the next task. If you take 5-7 hours straight working on one task, chances are you will be too exhausted afterward to take on another task. You can take small breaks after every hour to stay fresh. Experts at and other places will tell you how smart it is to take frequent breaks when working.

  1. Get enough sleep – ideally 7-8 hours

Getting enough sleep is underrated. If ever there’s a slumber enemy of productivity, it would be a lack of enough sleep. Getting enough sleep will keep you fresh and rejuvenated and also improve your overall health. You can keep track of your sleep time and maintain a strict timetable more often. Use applications that can help you track your sleeping patterns and make sure you get enough sleep.

  1. Inspire yourself to spend time wisely

Don’t take up too much time doing unproductive things. Even when you feel uninspired, you could watch motivational videos on time management or read books that encourage you to stay productive instead of browsing your social media timeline.


Time management is not an easy task if you don’t have a plan. It’s not about working hard to crush your goals, it’s allocating healthy and enough time to different tasks during the day. It’s about getting smart with the 24 hours you have each day. The tips discussed above should give you a headstart on how to manage time effectively.

Justin is a blogger from Leicester, England, UK. When not teaching his little students and rooting for Leicester FC, he loves to share his thoughts and opinions about education, writing for lab report writer and