10 Tips for Boosting Your People Skills (Infographic)

Leadership is all about the people and here are 10 ways to boost your people skills.

We get promoted because of our technical skills, but our success as managers and leaders is determined by our Emotional Intelligence or our EQ.

This is because it’s our EQ which helps us connect with our teams and inspire them to greatness.

1 – Listen Twice As Much As You Talk
When we listen, we show people that they are valued.
It also gives them a chance to get grievances off their chests, which might otherwise impact their productivity.

2 – Respond, Rather Than React
Reacting is when we unconsciously experience an emotional trigger that causes us to express that emotion.
When we respond, we notice how we are feeling, and we consciously decide how we will respond.

3 – Put Yourself In The Other Person’s Shoes
The more we understand the perspective of others, the easier it will be for us to understand any resistance or issues that they will have.

4 – Apologize Directly If You Are At Fault
Nothing helps us build trust and rapport quicker than owning up to our mistakes and apologizing.

5 – Don’t Interrupt Others Or Change The Subject
Stay with the conversation, listen, fell the emotion but try not to let it control you. It’s not easier, but it does come easier with practice.

6 – Be Vulnerable
Leaders don’t have to be superman or superwoman for that matter. When we show vulnerability, it allows us to make better connections with people.

7 – Empathize With Others
To better understand empathy, we must first understand our feelings and why we react the way we do. Start to increase this understand by noticing the way you feel, and asking yourself why do I feel this way, or what triggered this feeling? T

8 – Create a positive environment
We can create a more positive environment just by smiling more.
When we smile, we release endorphins that make us feel less stressed and more relaxed.

9 – Ask Don’t Tell.
When we ask people, we show them respect; it also changes the tone in which we ask. When we tell people, it’s much more like a command, and no one wants to be commanded.

10 – Praise more
We all crave recognition, and what we recognize gets repeated.
Be aware of what’s going on around you and look to praise people you see doing a good job.