Category: Leadership Secrets

It’s all about winning the War

It’s all about winning the War

  • Gordontredgold
  • Dec 7th, 2012

We get caught up in so many battles, that we often forget our goal is to win the War, and not each and every battle. We....

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If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail

  • Gordontredgold
  • Dec 3rd, 2012

I am always amazed at how little planning is done, or if it is done, it's not done at a detailed enough level. There ....

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Sometime we just don’t know what life will throw at us

Sometime we just don’t know what life will throw at us

  • Gordontredgold
  • Dec 1st, 2012

I was sent this video and i thought's share it. We never know what's around the corner in life, so we should make sure ....

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Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

  • Gordontredgold
  • Dec 1st, 2012

I'm always amazed at how few people actually get Leadership coaching. Often when I bring up the subject people say "I'm....

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Groove or Rut

Groove or Rut

  • Gordontredgold
  • Dec 1st, 2012

We often strive to achieve a level of consistency of performance, where we feel that we are in the groove, where we feel....

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Image V Results

Image V Results

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 24th, 2012

They say an “Ounce of Image is worth a pound of performance” and unfortunately, as much as I hate this, it’s true.....

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Moses shows the way

Moses shows the way

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 22nd, 2012

Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet one of my all time sporting heroes, Edwin Moses. For those of you who don't kno....

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Redefining possible

Redefining possible

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 19th, 2012

We never know what is truly possible, until we really try. If we give up before we even try, then we are doomed to fail....

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  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 19th, 2012

At the weekend I met someone for the first time, a woman who really impressed me, and inspired me deeply. She had exper....

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Eating the Elephant

Eating the Elephant

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 18th, 2012

I am a huge fan of big, bold and aggressive goals. I think goals need to be inspirational in nature, so they need to ....

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