Month: February 2023

How We React To Defeat, Is What Defines Us

How We React To Defeat, Is What Defines Us

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 28th, 2023

When watching the World Athletics Championships, it is evident that there are fewer winners than competitors. Some ev....

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Treat The Money You Manage – As If It Were Your Own

Treat The Money You Manage – As If It Were Your Own

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 27th, 2023

I am a huge believer in cost control, and it all begins with a firm knowledge of costs. If you don't understand your cos....

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Top Advantages Of Using Magento For Your Website Development

Top Advantages Of Using Magento For Your Website Development

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 25th, 2023

Magento is a popular eCommerce platform that offers many advantages for website development. In this blog post, we'll di....

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To be Inspired is Great, to Inspire Someone is Incredible

To be Inspired is Great, to Inspire Someone is Incredible

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 24th, 2023

One of the driving forces that makes me want to be a leader, is inspiring others to try and achieve. It is an incred....

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 23rd, 2023

I was once listening to my son practising with his guitar in the next room, going over the same piece again and again. I....

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Negotiating Win/Win Solutions

Negotiating Win/Win Solutions

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 22nd, 2023

“You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.” – Amarillo Slim Preston When it comes to negotiating....

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7 Tips for a Successful Preventive Maintenance Strategy for your Business

7 Tips for a Successful Preventive Maintenance Strategy for your Business

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 21st, 2023

A carefully set up preventive maintenance strategy is what makes it possible to have a positive impact on several aspect....

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Revolutionising Your Marketing Approach with Comprehensive Digital Services

Revolutionising Your Marketing Approach with Comprehensive Digital Services

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 20th, 2023

Revolutionising Your Marketing Approach with Comprehensive Digital Services In today's digital age, a comprehensive d....

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Common Mistakes Business Leaders Make (and How to Fix Them)

Common Mistakes Business Leaders Make (and How to Fix Them)

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 18th, 2023

Leading a business is not easy and not everyone has the qualities needed for what it takes to be a good boss. It require....

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Assessment Writer: An Overview

Assessment Writer: An Overview

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 18th, 2023

Strong writing abilities are crucial for success in both academic and professional contexts as the corporate world becom....

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