Milestones Archives - Gordontredgold Mon, 27 Jun 2016 23:57:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Milestones Archives - Gordontredgold 32 32 Guest Post – The Latest Tech Industries Making the Biggest Splash Mon, 27 Jun 2016 23:57:23 +0000 With the continued dominance of technology companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google in the world of business, it’s no secret to anyone that technology is big business. But whilst phone and computer manufacturers continue to dominate, there are others tech industries that are fast rising through the ranks and although they may never attain (or […]

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With the continued dominance of technology companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google in the world of business, it’s no secret to anyone that technology is big business. But whilst phone and computer manufacturers continue to dominate, there are others tech industries that are fast rising through the ranks and although they may never attain (or come close to) the world-conquering power of Apple, they are doing very well for themselves.


Virtual Reality has been being promised to us throughout the ages, but we’ve never come close to it until now. The technological dreams of the past have become reality (still waiting on those hover boards though). It’s not a surprise that VR is becoming a massive industry because gaming is the world’s largest media industry, outselling – and ‘out-profiting’ – film, television, and literature. Companies like Oculus, which was the first company to introduce this style of VR to the world, have been gaining momentum at a frightening pace, with this year’s E3 conference being nearly dominated by talk of the latest in VR, with existing games like Fallout 4 and Doom getting support, as well as a wealth of new titles including an upcoming VR Arkham Batman game.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has been a strong presence in the world of business for the past decade, but in recent years it has grown exponentially and there are even companies (the more forward thinking at least) who operate with an almost Google level of respect for their employees with free meals and even petting zoos for when they get too stressed. Digital marketing enables the big corporations to get bigger and the smaller ones to have a chance at becoming the big players. For a company in 2016 to work, it needs strong digital marketing support.

Web Hosting

Website hosting is definitely not new and has been around since the dawn of the internet, however with the behemoth that is digital marketing taking centre stage, companies need good webhosting to back up their marketing and thus, the best web hosting companies around have grown bigger and stronger because of that and are just as indispensable as a good marketing firm. Gone are the days when someone would try to run a business from a simple WordPress site.


I wasn’t sure if I should include vlogging as a new powerhouse in the tech industry game, however seeing as Zoella is reportedly making £50,000 a month and is releasing books and fashion lines as well as appearing in the latest Band Aid travesty, it’s definitely big money for the people involved, even if it is still a relatively small community. I believe what I’m doing right now will slowly fade away and vlogging will be the new blogging … although people said that about the books when the kindle was released and the same about vinyl when the CD was released, but they’re all going strong, so what do I know?



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How Recognition Empowered Me… Fri, 24 Jun 2016 13:47:16 +0000 When I first started blogging and building a following on social media, one of my closest friends said to me ‘what makes you think that you can stand out against all of the other experts online, and get anyone to read or listen to what you have to say’. When he said that I was […]

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GT Top LeadershipWhen I first started blogging and building a following on social media, one of my closest friends said to me ‘what makes you think that you can stand out against all of the other experts online, and get anyone to read or listen to what you have to say’.

When he said that I was stunned because as a leader he was usually a very empowering leader, always looking to build up his team, giving them confidence in their abilities and telling them that impossible was a word that did not exist in his vocabulary.

When I challenged him on this, he said ‘look, it’s a massively competitive area with a well-established core of experts already, it’s not that I don’t think you’re good enough it’s more to do with the sheer level of competition and where you’re starting from’.

GT TOP Business CoachingNow, many people might have seen this as disheartening but for me, it actually empowered me, because now I had nothing to lose, there was no expectation, anything I could achieve would be a bonus and would be seen as a victory. I always relished the underdog role, and when someone told me, I couldn’t it made me all the more determined to succeed.

It also told me that just writing once a week that just writing the odd article here and there was not going to cut it; I was going to have to do something above and beyond.

So I followed my own FAST process to achieve the results I was looking for, that meant being Focused, Accountable, Simple, and Transparent.

I focused on three things, trying to produce quality content on a regular basis, almost daily; building real a following who were interested in my niche, and then engaging with them.

Accountability was simple; it was down to me and only me to do this, having someone else write for me was not going to work, and it would have flown in the face of authenticity which is crucial for leadership.

GT Offer StickerSimplicity, I looked to keep the process as simple as possible so that I would be able to share it and teach it to others so that they could benefit if it worked.

Transparency was the easiest part as there were plenty of analytic tools and ranking websites which would show me how I was progressing.

Today I achieved a new milestone, I was ranked as the Number 3 Social Media Expert to Follow on Twitter, this now also goes alongside the rankings I have received for Leadership and Business Consulting.

This has taken me just three years achieve, writing nearly every day, producing over 900 plus articles in that time, building a following of almost 1/2 million on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and tweeting and posting around 150-200 times a day to engage with them.

GT Top Social MediaInitially, I was empowered by the words of my friend who told me I couldn’t, but my confidence really grew when I started to see things come together, the number of articles and the following increase and my climb the rankings.   This then allowed me to go and empower others showing them the techniques that I had used, which then helped them to build followings, increase their influence and ranking online.

This is one of the great things about empowerment, as we become empowered and see the benefits in our results it allows us to empower others to achieve great things, but they also can then go on to empower even more people to be successful.

To celebrate this recognition, I am offering discounts up to a whopping 65% on most of my services. Click here to checkout the amazing offers right now. Hurry, because the discounts are for limited number of bookings and they are fast running out!

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Half A Millionth Mark – Persistent, Consistent & Humbling Tue, 10 May 2016 02:27:50 +0000 Sunday was a Day of Double Celebration for me. – I was selected #8 on the 50 Top Leadership and Management Blogs. – And I also achieved the milestone of writing half a million words. I want to thank everyone who has read, commented or shared my words, I truly appreciate it and it motivates me to […]

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Sunday was a Day of Double Celebration for me.

– I was selected #8 on the 50 Top Leadership and Management Blogs.

– And I also achieved the milestone of writing half a million words.

I want to thank everyone who has read, commented or shared my words, I truly appreciate it and it motivates me to keep going. These words are my journey of inspiring others in achieving results and driving success, by avoiding failures and complication of things that can be done simpler anf smarter. Also thanks to my family and friends for their support on this journey, I couldn’t have done this without them.


I have learnt from my failure, and applying FAST Principles that I created with my experience in the industry and personal life. It’s amazing what we can achieve if we start slowly and are persistent and consistent.

Thanks again and here’s to the next goal of One Million words!

If you’d like to learn how to Achieve Results and Drive Success, checkout my Online Training and Coaching Packages right here and avail a massive discount for a limited period.

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Recognition Thu, 07 Mar 2013 06:15:11 +0000 I wanted to take the opportunity today to thank everyone who has read, shared or commented on my blog over the past few months. This has led to my blog being recognised as One of the Top 50 Leadership Blogs to watch in 2013, and as one of the Top 30 Hidden Gems of Leadership […]

The post Recognition appeared first on Gordontredgold.

I wanted to take the opportunity today to thank everyone who has read, shared or commented on my blog over the past few months.

This has led to my blog being recognised as One of the Top 50 Leadership Blogs to watch in 2013, and as one of the Top 30 Hidden Gems of Leadership blogs.

As one of the recurring themes of my blog is recognition, and the impact that recognition can have on our teams, I wanted to share how I feel about this recognition and it’s impact on me.

I truly appreciate every like, share, comment and recognition award that I receive, it gives me the positive feedback that people appreciate what I am doing, that I am on the right track, and that I should continue with my efforts and even think about redoubling them.

This is the power of recognition: it rewards us; it boosts our self esteem; it increases morale, it motivates us; it inspires us; and the best thing of all it costs nothing, absolutely nothing.

In terms of return on investment, the impact of a simple ‘thank you’,  ‘well done’ or ‘good job’ is immeasurable.

Given all that, what surprises me is how often recognition is withheld, or how reluctant some people are to give even such small pieces recognition.

I often hear the comment, you praise people too much, especially from people who are reluctant themselves to give recognition, but I never ever hear from the people recognised.

Sure sometimes they say “oh it’s nothing” or “no need to thank me”, but in reality they themselves are saying thank you for the recognition, they appreciated it and felt really good about receiving it.

So as a recent recipient of recognition,  I would really like to say thank you to everyone who contributed and to encourage everyone to increase the amount of recognition that they give to others.

Thank you

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