View All Archives - Gordontredgold Fri, 26 May 2023 07:42:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 View All Archives - Gordontredgold 32 32 Effective Strategies for Successful Online Team Management Fri, 26 May 2023 07:42:49 +0000 In today’s digital era, managing teams online has become an indispensable aspect of many businesses and organizations. No matter if your teams span across various locations or work remotely – effective online team management is vital to productivity and collaboration. In this blog post, we will look at key strategies and practical tips to successfully […]

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In today’s digital era, managing teams online has become an indispensable aspect of many businesses and organizations. No matter if your teams span across various locations or work remotely – effective online team management is vital to productivity and collaboration. In this blog post, we will look at key strategies and practical tips to successfully navigate online team administration challenges.

Establish Clear Communications Channels

Effective communication is at the core of every successful team, which makes managing one online all the more essential. Utilize platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams for instant messaging to facilitate instantaneous dialogue among your members – encourage sharing updates, asking questions, collaborating seamlessly – all without interruption – set rules on timely response to ensure all are kept connected and informed at all times!

Leverage Video Conferencing Tools

Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are popular video conferencing tools which facilitate face-to-face interactions online. Use them for team meetings, brainstorm sessions or one-on-one catch-ups; video conferencing helps foster an atmosphere of connectivity while improving team dynamics by showing team members each other’s expressions and body language – thus improving communications overall.

Foster a Collaborative Culture

Establishing an effective team culture, online team management. Encourage regular discussions, brainstorm sessions and team-building activities using collaborative project management tools like Trello or Asana for assigning tasks, tracking progress and instilling shared responsibility across tasks assigned. Also support open communications between team members as well as active participation within your virtual community to foster lasting results!

Promote Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are integral parts of effective team management online. Establish clear expectations and deadlines for deliverables, encourage regular updates from team members on progress updates. Use project management software or shared spreadsheets to track individual and team progress as needed; regularly evaluate completed tasks for feedback purposes, fostering an environment of continuous improvement.

Promote Virtual Chatting and Instant Messaging

Virtual chatting and instant messaging platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams or WhatsApp offer efficient ways for team members to stay in contact, ask questions and exchange ideas quickly and efficiently. Encourage using these tools for casual discussions, quick updates and creating team spirit among team members.

Make Sure Remote Work Infrastructure Is Complete

To optimize online team management, ensure your team has access to reliable internet connections, appropriate hardware (laptops and headphones) as well as necessary software and tools for work from remote sites. Look into audio visual installers uk for more professional help. When helping team members improve productivity and enhance the work experience by offering guidance and resources.


Online team management presents unique challenges, but with the appropriate strategies and tools can be a highly successful and satisfying experience. By creating clear communication channels, using video conferencing tools to foster a collaborative culture, increasing transparency and accountability measures as well as encouraging virtual chat/IM usage – you’re on your way to building an efficient virtual team that performs at its full potential! Remember to adapt and iterate as needed depending on team needs as well as gather feedback to constantly optimize online team leadership methods – you will soon have your online team led successfully no matter their physical locations! With these practices established, you’ll have everything needed for leading success regardless of team locations!

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Tips & Tricks: Setting up Your Small Business Office Fri, 26 May 2023 06:04:53 +0000 If you decide to open up an office for a small business, this task may seem a bit daunting at first. However, there are easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement solutions that deliver sustainable results quickly.  Your first step is to decide on where your office will be located, what equipment will you put in and how much […]

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If you decide to open up an office for a small business, this task may seem a bit daunting at first. However, there are easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement solutions that deliver sustainable results quickly. 

Your first step is to decide on where your office will be located, what equipment will you put in and how much space you will need for your whole team. These are three things that will impact your budget significantly and, at the same time, your business will depend on them. So, set up your budget first having all this in mind, and think of the best solution for you.

Decide on the best location and space

Depending on what kind of business you are in, you should decide on the best location for your office, for it is essential for startups to be accessible and reachable in many ways, including e-mail, telephone, mobile and even in-person.

You can choose to either rent or purchase your office, but pay attention to the size of the space and possible renovations. And if you’re planning renovations, you might need sound insulation, or any other kind of insulation, so take a look at insulation4less and find all the information you need at one place. Be sure to organize the space so that it meets your needs.

Organize your team

Once you hire a team, make sure you delegate all the work accordingly, so that none of your employees end up feeling overworked and burnt out. When work is properly divided within a team, employees’ productivity increases and tasks are more likely to be completed quickly and efficiently. 

Good teamwork improves group performance and a well-established working space contributes to better performance of the employees. So, consider the type of work your team will be handling and make sure you create enough social spaces within your office, as well as private areas where workers can retreat to if they need some peace and quiet.  

Equip your working space

It is important to equip your working space with the best possible equipment for the best performance of both employees and equipment. Comfortable ergonomic chairs and desks, and easily accessible kitchen supplies will make your employees feel more comfortable. 

Consult professionals about hardware, a make sure you have a contract with a reliable maintenance service. Find the best possible software for your business, and see if you can even customize it further. This will make your business work like a well-oiled-machine, which is the ultimate goal.

As far as other office equipment is concerned, such as a copier or a printer, you can either buy or rent such an equipment, although renting is more advisable to small businesses. 

Make your office feel comfortable

To further boost efficiency and productivity of your team, make sure they’re working in a comfortable environment.

Aside from the aforementioned desks and chairs, make sure your office has plenty of light – either natural or artificial, and install a good ventilation system, so that your indoor air quality stays at the optimal level.

Moreover, you should add some nice greenery to your office, to create a more calming atmosphere where all of your employees will feel motivated to do their best.

Communication with customers

No business can exist without customers, so you need to make sure that your communication with customers is stellar. To achieve this, you need to ensure that both your business and your staff is easily reachable, and accessible through numerous communication channels. 

So, invest in high-quality internet, custom land line and equip all of your employees with all the necessary means that will enable them to seamlessly communicate among themselves. 

Additionally, ensure that you have enough telephone lines where customers can reach you, and create separate emails for every employee. 

Business stationery

In the end, it’s tome to show some love to your business stationery. Here, you should focus on filling the space with branded items that, of course, feature your brand logo and represent your company.

Even tough a small detail, this will make your business seem more uniformed, professional and representative. And it will also remind your employees that all of you are working towards the same goal. 

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How To Give Back To Your Community Through Business Thu, 25 May 2023 10:51:16 +0000 Businesses are held to a higher standard than the average Joe and while those expectations might seem unfair, it’s part and parcel of owning a business. It’s important to do what you can to give back to your local community, especially in areas that desperately need the kindness and goodwill of others more fortunate. Whether […]

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Businesses are held to a higher standard than the average Joe and while those expectations might seem unfair, it’s part and parcel of owning a business. It’s important to do what you can to give back to your local community, especially in areas that desperately need the kindness and goodwill of others more fortunate.

Whether your business is cash rich or not, there are many ways to give back to your community from small acts to generous ones. With that being said, if you’re looking to help your community in other ways, then there are plenty of ways to go about it.

With that being said, here are some helpful tips to give back to your community through the business this year and beyond.

Sponsor or organize an event

If you’ve got the funds or budget to do so, you should be allocating some of your spare cash to go toward philanthropy. Being gracious to others is a trait that you would want your business to have, right? It’s something that any business could benefit from, solely because it helps provide you with a glowing reputation as a result.

Getting positive notoriety is better than having a negative reception and overall opinion of your business. So, with that in mind, it’s well worth your time and money spent to sponsor or organize events that give back to your local community.

Perhaps you could sponsor a local event that’s after funding? You may want to lean towards those community events that are more relatable to business or you could offer a blanket of support to all types of events or organizations that require sponsorship from businesses just like you.

Encourage employees to run their own community fundraisers

Your employees may be wanting to contribute their own efforts to the community, whether they have personal experience with some charities for example or they want to help out in other ways.

Speak to your employees individually and collectively about what could be done in the community and what they personally would love to be a part of. There are plenty of platforms out there that can help when organizing community fundraisers and allocating donations to those fundraisers.

Even if you’re not able to donate a big amount, you can help in other ways, such as helping set up the fundraiser. It could be something you hold within your own offices or business premises. It doesn’t always need to be a financial campaign. 

Run donation campaigns within the office

Encouraging internal contributions is always worthwhile, even if it’s a minimal amount that gets collected each time. As it’s often said, every little helps, particularly when it comes to donating to a charity.

If you’re looking to donate or you think your workforce would be keen to donate themselves, then set up these campaigns within the office. These could be seasonal campaigns that take place every so often. There are certain periods throughout the year when community support might be needed more than ever before.

From the festive season, where not all families may have the funds for Christmas gifts to troubling economic times. The cost of living currently isn’t ideal for a lot of people and being able to help out locally could certainly do a world of good for your community.

Work with local suppliers

The suppliers you choose to work with when it comes to business are imperative to your success. They, after all, are responsible for providing your goods on time and with a quality that will only reflect positively on your business when delivering them to your customers.

Whether you work with just one supplier or many, it’s important to consider the usefulness of seeking suppliers closer to home. By selecting local suppliers, you’re helping fund the local community and giving back to those who live in the area. Independent and local suppliers might be slightly more costly sometimes but you will surely get a better quality of service and goods.

It’s worth weighing up your options and what’s available in the local area when it comes to suppliers. If you’re able to support the local suppliers, then you’re already giving back to your community in more ways than one. 

Offer workshops and training opportunities to local businesses

As it’s been mentioned, not everything has to be a financial contribution. Sometimes, being able to use your knowledge or company knowledge to help others is useful too.

For local businesses or those who need guidance on business in general, may be able to benefit from any classes, workshops, or training opportunities you offer.

This could be an initiative you run on a monthly or annual basis depending on how busy your business is at the time. These workshops or training opportunities could provide an insight into all areas of running a business which may be helpful for those who are just starting out.

As a business, it’s important to remember that your business too started from the bottom and so it’s good to give others a helping hand where possible, especially on a local level. Reach out to these small businesses and startups to see if there’s a market or interest in this. You may be surprised to find that there are plenty who are keen to learn from your company.

Reward local customers

Your local customers are important because they are often the lifeline of a business that relies on local businesses. Even if you’ve recently grown and your audience now spans multiple geographics, it’s the locals that will always be there for you during the tough times.

With that being said, it’s beneficial to give back to the most important community members and those are your customers. There are plenty of ways that you can reward your loyal customers with specialized discount codes to freebies for their loyalty to the brand over the months or years they’ve spent money on your business.

Don’t neglect your local customers and as a result, they won’t neglect you.

Help out others with networking events

Networking events are often great for those who are lacking in confidence and are wanting to make connections with others from their local area. Whether that’s for business purposes or to simply make social connections, a networking event is often the answer to both.

As a business, it may be worthwhile to be the face of a few networking events in your local area. It’s a great way to connect with a community and perhaps discover some local talent that you would have otherwise never spotted.


It could be useful to help seek new hires for your business and when those individuals are from the local area, it’s often a great opportunity to help invest back into the community itself. You may also find the people who work for you, that comes from the local area, are less likely to leave for greener pastures if they live there.

Commit to a greener way of running your business

Greener initiatives are always going to be a big green-thumbed tick for those who are very much conscious of climate change and the damage being done to the environment. You’ll certainly attract positive attention from climate activists who can often be very influential in the local area.

If you’re looking to find ways of committing to a greener way of running the business, take advantage of some of these tips:

  • – Reduce, reuse, and recycle what you can
  • – Get specialist recycling services for tech equipment
  • – Go paperless
  • – Encourage cycle-to-work schemes

Volunteer for local initiatives

To give back to your community, there’s nothing better than volunteering. Volunteers are often in short supply and it’s important to try and give back where you can. If you’ve got the time and your employees have the time to do so, make sure you’re on the look out for local initiatives that need additional hands.

There are plenty of food banks and services out there that are tirelessly helping out those less fortunate, so make sure to do your bit too.

Support local teams and clubs

When you donate to local teams and clubs, you’re doing a lot to help the generations of locals who live within the area. This is particularly the case if you’re giving your money to the younger generation and to those teams or clubs that are massively underfunded.

While a lot of local teams or clubs may be doing well financially, it relies on the donations of the community and anyone who wants to freely invest in the club itself. Having the backing of a business is definitely something that would be greatly appreciated.

Giving back to your local community is something that’s greatly appreciated and sadly not done enough nowadays. It’s now more important than ever to unite people together and to deliver a sense of community, especially where it’s lacking. 

If you’re able to give back to your community this year as a business, then please do. It’s something that can have a major ripple effect that benefits more than just your business and those initial few people you help.

The post How To Give Back To Your Community Through Business appeared first on Gordontredgold.

4 Benefits of Banners for Business Marketing Wed, 24 May 2023 11:06:30 +0000 Did you know that over a quarter of customers became aware of a company via its printed advertisement banners or posters? In an age where the digital marketing method is king, it might seem surprising to find that printed marketing materials can still influence people. Printed marketing can be an effective booster in your campaigns […]

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Did you know that over a quarter of customers became aware of a company via its printed advertisement banners or posters? In an age where the digital marketing method is king, it might seem surprising to find that printed marketing materials can still influence people.

Printed marketing can be an effective booster in your campaigns and help you to raise visibility and awareness, especially printed banners. The reality is if something is big enough and eye-catching, you can guarantee people will remember it, and when exposed to this frequently, you can get the desired results. Banners offer this type of exposure, and this post looks at the benefits of using this marketing approach for your business.

Cost Effective

Banners in any form can be cost-effective. Marketing can be expensive, and banners offer a way to help you create marketing tools you can use repeatedly. For example, if you frequently participate in trade shows, having outdoor banner printing can give you a marketing tool you can use repeatedly without having to purchase new every time.

Increased ROI

As mentioned above, banners are a cost-effective marketing solution; however, they can be instrumental in increasing ROI. If you have your banner in a prominent place, you can be sure people are seeing your message over and over again as they pass it, be it in a shopping mall, in street hoarding, in your store windows or at an event. As they pass this, your brand will become stuck in their mind, and when they need your product or services, you will be top of the list, thus increasing ROI over time. If you’re looking for an option that will keep working and working for you, banners are great.

Eye Catching

When it comes to banners, you can be sure people are noticing them. If the point is to attract people’s attention, banners are one of the best ways to do this. Ensure your design and colours are consistent with your branding, and work with a graphic designer to help your banner stand out for all the right reasons. Your customers will easily recognise your logo, company name and colour schemes and associate this banner with you, and if they are new to your business, this will give them something to inspire them to seek you out. Either way, banners achieve this figuratively and literally when it comes out to increase visibility.


Banners are versatile. You can utilise them in and around your business to help you promote various aspects, from new product launches, new services, offers or sales or pretty much anything else you want to promote. Not only this, they can be developed in a variety of different sizes and styles to help you find a banner that suits your business needs and for you to use in multiple aspects, from in-store windows to trade display banners to on-street advertisements and more.


Banners are a must-have when it comes to physical advertising; not only are they eye-catching, but they can provide a cost-effective way of reinforcing your marketing message and ensuring your brand remains front and centre to those who are likely to use your business.

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The Quintessence of Leadership: Inspiration through Actions Wed, 24 May 2023 08:00:09 +0000 This quote, in my opinion, is one of the clearest and most accurate explanations of what leadership truly is. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams Why do I say that? Well… – The outcome is not about the […]

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This quote, in my opinion, is one of the clearest and most accurate explanations of what leadership truly is.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

Why do I say that?


– The outcome is not about the leader, it relates to the followers.

– It’s based on the leaders’ actions, not commands or directions.

– It’s about inspiring others.

This is what leadership is all about, it’s about selfless rather than selfish action which benefits the leader, it’s about setting the example and helping people become all that they can be and achieve their full potential.

If you can do this, and do it repeatedly, then you can become a great leader, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. are great examples of leaders who achieved this. It all starts with your action!

So what are you waiting for, start to set the example today.

If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to view our course.

The post The Quintessence of Leadership: Inspiration through Actions appeared first on Gordontredgold.

A Quick Guide to Testing & Validating Your Business Idea Mon, 22 May 2023 06:17:32 +0000 Do you have a brilliant business idea that you are certain would be a game-changer? While enthusiasm and optimism are essential, it’s crucial to validate your business idea before diving headfirst into execution. Testing and validating your business idea helps you assess its viability, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions that increase your chances […]

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Do you have a brilliant business idea that you are certain would be a game-changer? While enthusiasm and optimism are essential, it’s crucial to validate your business idea before diving headfirst into execution. Testing and validating your business idea helps you assess its viability, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions that increase your chances of success. In this article, we will provide a guide to testing and validating your business idea effectively.

Research the Market

Start by conducting thorough market research. Understand your target audience, their needs, and existing solutions in the market. Analyze market trends, competition, and potential demand for your product or service. This research will help you identify any gaps or opportunities in the market that your business idea can address.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

Clearly define your unique value proposition – what sets your business apart from competitors and why customers should choose your product or service. Identify the key benefits, features, or innovations that make your idea unique and valuable to potential customers. A compelling value proposition is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Develop a minimum viable product (MVP) that showcases the core functionalities of your business idea. An MVP allows you to test your concept with potential customers and gather valuable feedback. Keep your MVP simple, focusing on the key value proposition. 

For example, if you are looking to create a SaaS product, you can simply develop a basic version of the software that delivers core functionalities and provides value to users. Just keep it simple. You can use free hosting platforms to test out the software in a production environment. You can also check out other Heroku free alternatives you can use to build a MVP software product. You can use feedback to refine and improve the product. In the case of a software product, you could use user testing sessions, surveys, or feedback mechanisms within the software to collect insights. Analyze the feedback to identify pain points, usability issues, and areas for improvement.

Conduct Surveys and Interviews

Engage with your target audience through surveys and interviews to gather insights and validate your business idea. Create questionnaires to gather feedback on customer needs, pain points, and preferences. Conduct in-depth interviews with potential customers to understand their behavior, motivations, and willingness to pay for your solution. This primary research provides valuable insights into market demand and helps shape your business strategy.

Test Your MVP

Release your MVP to a select group of potential customers for testing and feedback. Monitor their usage patterns, gather feedback on usability, and track their satisfaction levels. Pay attention to their suggestions and pain points. This iterative testing and refinement process helps you fine-tune your product or service based on real-world feedback.

Analyze Financial Viability

Assess the financial viability of your business idea. Calculate the estimated costs of production, marketing, and operations. Conduct a thorough analysis of potential revenue streams, pricing models, and profit margins. Consider factors such as customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value, and break-even points. This analysis will help you understand the financial feasibility of your idea and make informed decisions.

Seek Expert Advice

Consult industry experts, mentors, or business advisors to gain insights and validation from experienced professionals. They can provide valuable guidance, help you refine your business model, and identify potential challenges or blind spots. Their expertise and knowledge can significantly enhance your understanding of market dynamics and increase your chances of success.

Test the Market

Before launching your business on a larger scale, consider conducting a small-scale market test. This could involve running a pilot program, setting up a limited-time offer, or launching in a specific geographic area. Measure customer response, gather feedback, and analyze key metrics. This real-world testing will validate your business idea in a live market environment and help you make necessary adjustments before scaling up.

Wrapping up

Testing and validating your business idea is a critical step towards building a successful venture. It is one of the best ways to ensure you are setting out on a venture that is more likely to translate to success.  Remember, validation is an ongoing process, and continuous testing and refinement are key to long-term success.

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Jake and Nelson’s Leadership Development Strategies Fri, 19 May 2023 08:00:39 +0000 In this video, Jake and Nelson discuss their leadership development strategies. This will provide some interesting information for you if you’re an aspiring leader. If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to view our course.

The post Jake and Nelson’s Leadership Development Strategies appeared first on Gordontredgold.

In this video, Jake and Nelson discuss their leadership development strategies. This will provide some interesting information for you if you’re an aspiring leader.

If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to view our course.

The post Jake and Nelson’s Leadership Development Strategies appeared first on Gordontredgold.

Creating Self-Sufficient Teams: The Invisible Leadership Paradigm Thu, 18 May 2023 08:00:12 +0000 The Ultimate Aim of Leadership: Self-Sufficient Teams Every leader should strive to get his or her team to the point where they feel self-sufficient and like they can complete tasks on their own. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did […]

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The Ultimate Aim of Leadership: Self-Sufficient Teams

Every leader should strive to get his or her team to the point where they feel self-sufficient and like they can complete tasks on their own.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu

When you accomplish this, the team feels ready to take responsibility and lead itself, and you have created a winning culture where the team strives for its own success and growth. At this point, you can start looking for new initiatives or challenges that will push the team even further.

The Role of a Leader: Fostering Independence, Not Taking Credit

You cannot achieve this if you always look to take credit or share in the credit of the team, they really need to feel and believe that they did it themselves, that you have liberated them and that they can independently be successful.

This is tough to do because we all seek reward and recognition for a good job done, but as leaders, we need to get comfortable with reflected glory. We need to let the team take the glory for the completion of the task, and then we take whatever credit there is for putting the team together.

Often this credit is left unsaid, it’s known, but it’s less visible. This is why, some leaders and managers, want to share in the glory of the completed task.

The Soccer Analogy: Managers and Players in the Glory of Victory

It’s the team on the field who share in the glory of winning the game, winning the cup final. They are the ones who played the game, get presented with the trophy and then get to do a lap of honour in front of the crowd.

There is always a strong temptation for the manager to get involved, and try and be part of this, but this should be left just for the players.

The manager (Leader) will get his credit, he did select the team, organise the tactics and made the changes that might have been instrumental in winning the game, but he wasn’t on the field and didn’t kick a ball.

We will also get more respect from our teams if we leave them to take the credit.

I know how hard it is not to join in, and I don’t want to say I have never done it, we all get caught up in the euphoria, but we will do a much better job if we actually stand and cheer with the rest of the crowd and leave this moment of glory to the players.

Cultivating Belief and Confidence within Teams

We need to create belief because we might not always be there, and in these moments if the team feel that they can’t be successful without us it will hinder their chances later.

Just take a look at Manchester United, the exact same players are playing much differently under a new manager, their results and performance are at a lower level than last year. How much is this due to their belief in the contribution of Alex Ferguson to their success? Remember he never kicked a ball.

I am not suggesting that Ferguson took credit, but I do suspect that the players believe they were a better team when he was the manager and it’s this missing belief which is causing them problems now.

Creating a Lasting Legacy: The True Mark of Successful Leadership

Our ultimate goal is for us to create teams which eventually perform at the same high level, whether we are there leading them or not.

The best way to do this is to leave all credit with the team and feed their self-belief.

Tough I know, but it’s also in our best interest, the more invisible we become the higher our teams will perform and the bigger the legacy we can leave.

If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to view our course.

The post Creating Self-Sufficient Teams: The Invisible Leadership Paradigm appeared first on Gordontredgold.

Moving Your Business? Don’t Forget These To-Dos for a Smooth Transition Wed, 17 May 2023 17:53:19 +0000 Relocating a business can be a stressful experience, but it can also be a chance for growth and opportunity. However, without proper planning and execution, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. That’s why it’s important to keep in mind the crucial to-dos that can ensure a smooth transition.  From assessing your new location to […]

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Relocating a business can be a stressful experience, but it can also be a chance for growth and opportunity. However, without proper planning and execution, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. That’s why it’s important to keep in mind the crucial to-dos that can ensure a smooth transition. 

From assessing your new location to planning for IT infrastructure and notifying customers, every step is essential. In this article, we’ll delve into the important tasks that you need to prioritize when moving your business to ensure a seamless transition.

Make a Checklist

The first step to a successful move is to create a detailed checklist of everything that needs to be done before, during, and after the move. Your checklist should include the following:

– Choosing a new location

– Contacting utility companies to disconnect and connect services

– Hiring a moving company or renting a moving truck

– Packing and labeling boxes

– Notifying customers, clients, and vendors about the move

– Updating your business address on all legal documents, websites, and social media accounts

Create a Timeline

Once you have a checklist, the next step is to create a timeline. A timeline will help you keep track of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. Your timeline should include the following:

– Start date for the move

– Date to notify customers, clients, and vendors

– Date to disconnect and connect utilities

– Date to pack and label boxes

– Date to move furniture and equipment

– Date to update your business address on all legal documents, websites, and social media accounts

Hire a Professional Moving Company

Hiring a professional moving company is a wise investment to make when moving your business. A reputable moving company, such as helvetia transporte will have the necessary equipment, skills, and experience to ensure a smooth move. They can also provide you with packing supplies and help you pack and label boxes properly.

Notify Customers, Clients, and Vendors

One of the most critical things you need to do when moving your business is to notify your customers, clients, and vendors. You can do this by sending out an email blast, updating your website, and posting a notice on your social media accounts. You should also include your new address and contact information in the notification.

Pack and Label Boxes Properly

When packing for a move, it is essential to pack and label boxes properly. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to ensure your items are protected during the move. Label each box with the contents and its destination in your new location. This will make it easier to unpack and organize your new space.

Update Your Business Address

Updating your business address is a crucial step in the moving process. You should update your address on all legal documents, including business licenses, permits, and tax forms. You should also update your address on your website, social media accounts, and any other place where your business is listed.

Set Up Utilities

Before moving into your new location, you need to set up utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and internet. Contact the utility companies in your new area to arrange for disconnection and connection of services. You should also confirm the start date of your new services to avoid any disruption in your business operations.

Final Thoughts 

Moving your business can be overwhelming, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can ensure a smooth transition. 

Remember to make a checklist, create a timeline, hire a professional moving company, notify customers and vendors, pack and label boxes properly, update your business address, and set up utilities. And don’t forget to celebrate!

The post Moving Your Business? Don’t Forget These To-Dos for a Smooth Transition appeared first on Gordontredgold.

Taking Control of Your Personal Brand Wed, 17 May 2023 08:00:14 +0000 Who is responsible for defining your Brand?  The answer is very simple, you are responsible. The thing people find difficult is, is this something you’re doing consciously or subconsciously? If you’re doing this subconsciously then you are probably not being consistent and you are probably not highlighting the parts that you want to emphasise. Even […]

The post Taking Control of Your Personal Brand appeared first on Gordontredgold.

Who is responsible for defining your Brand? 

The answer is very simple, you are responsible.

The thing people find difficult is, is this something you’re doing consciously or subconsciously?

If you’re doing this subconsciously then you are probably not being consistent and you are probably not highlighting the parts that you want to emphasise.

Even worse you may be highlighting those parts of your character that you don’t want to highlight, for example, you may always be 5 minutes late for meetings.

This might be for perfectly legitimate reasons, but now you’re subconsciously defining yourself, and your brand as someone who is always late. Is that what you want to be known for?

I am not suggesting that you should be inauthentic, what I am suggesting is that you may need to eliminate some facets of who you are which not only detract from the good that you do, but because they may be defining who you are to others.

We need to understand who we are and how we want to be seen and then we need to ensure that we positively highlight those traits.

We also need to understand those things that we do, that detract from who we are, and stop doing them.

Negative Branding and its Impact

I worked for one boss who was an excellent boss, but he had a terrible habit of complaining about people’s weight, he had a phobia about being fat.

But he commented on this so much, that this is one of the key things that he was remembered for, and that became a big part of how people saw him.

Do you think that is how he wanted to be known?

Even worse that’s how people described him to others that didn’t know him personally.

So take control of your brand and ensure that you highlight those elements that best define who you are and downplay the negatives which undermine you.

If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to view our course.

The post Taking Control of Your Personal Brand appeared first on Gordontredgold.
