Month: August 2022

3 Unique Things To Have In Your Office

3 Unique Things To Have In Your Office

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 31st, 2022

If you’re starting a new business, one of the things you’ll need to worry about is your office premises. You’l....

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Tackling Motivation

Tackling Motivation

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 30th, 2022

"How can you motivate clerical staff who simply want to work 8 hours a day, get their paycheck, and go home - to do a....

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How to Overcome the Challenges of Lead Generation

How to Overcome the Challenges of Lead Generation

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 29th, 2022

Lead generation is undoubtedly challenging as it has no shortcuts. You have to invest immense effort in finding prospect....

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How to Protect Your Health & Rights After an Accident at Work

How to Protect Your Health & Rights After an Accident at Work

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 26th, 2022

A workplace accident is an unpleasant and confusing experience. In addition to your injuries, you have to deal with many....

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Dealing With Compromise

Dealing With Compromise

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 25th, 2022

"A Camel was a Horse that was designed by a committee". My mentor used to say this to me the time. Despite the fa....

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You Are a Great Digital Marketing Leader If You Possess These Skills

You Are a Great Digital Marketing Leader If You Possess These Skills

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 24th, 2022

Digital marketing has made it easy for businesses to market their products and services and reach consumers from differe....

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Making Tough Decisions is an Essential Part of Leadership

Making Tough Decisions is an Essential Part of Leadership

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 24th, 2022

Making decisions is an essential part of our work as leaders, whether they are important, challenging, or even trivial. ....

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Your Ultimate Guide to Stay Motivated and Focused

Your Ultimate Guide to Stay Motivated and Focused

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 23rd, 2022

We are existing in possibly the most toxic era where we are in a constant struggle to get social approval and in the pro....

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Thought Leaders Create a New Path, They Show the Way to a Better and Brighter Future

Thought Leaders Create a New Path, They Show the Way to a Better and Brighter Future

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 22nd, 2022

A thought leader is someone who makes a significant shift in the way we think, or drastically changes the course tha....

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7 Business Tips For Trading In Different Currencies

7 Business Tips For Trading In Different Currencies

  • JessTredgold
  • Aug 21st, 2022

When working with customers or suppliers in other countries, it’s important to remember that they may use a differ....

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