Your business credit score doesn’t reflect your personal credit score. Therefore, you might have a commendable personal credit history because you never miss credit card payoffs, but your business isn’t doing the same. This credit profile uses almost similar elements to your personal credit score.
It shows the financial position and risk level of your business. Therefore, your business credit score will reflect your credit utilization, payment history, recent credit inquiries, and outstanding balances. Let’s see how you can improve it.
As a leader, you set actionable goals and define how to achieve them. As such, you break them down into steps you can act on until you attain your goal. It’s the same thing as you work towards improving your business credit score.
Some require immediate attention, such as reducing company overheads so you can pay your bills. Other goals, such as alternative financing instead of loans, are policies you set for the long term. Let’s discuss all of these strategies further.
It’s the first step to boosting your credit score. Defaulting accumulates debt that moves your credit score farther away from 100. It reduces financing options for your business, which may affect operations and productivity. Additionally, it piles up penalties and loan interest.
When these bills accumulate, you risk debt collection or bankruptcy, two situations that’ll show up on your credit score.
So, what if you have no receivables to cancel your payables? A few conventional banks might agree to loan you money when you have a low business credit score. But their rates and terms might be unfavorable. You can opt for online loans, as there are many options, from installment and cash advance loans. If these fail, ask for bad credit loans.
The type of business debt matters to credit rating systems. Therefore, avoid having numerous credit cards or opening many credit accounts simultaneously. It gets worse when you use one credit card to repay what you owe on the other card.
When you make many applications at once, those lenders will run a hard inquiry about your credit score, and the credit scoring systems see these requests. Sometimes, such a rush can influence your score.
If overheads get you into debt, there are many ways to reduce such costs. For instance, you can renegotiate better deals with your suppliers. You can even reduce your labor costs.
One of the benefits of such a rapport is you can ask them to open a credit account for you. It’ll increase positive payments, which will show you’re creditworthy.
It’ll cost you since these reports aren’t free. However, it’s the only way to know whether your records reflect your current financial history.
The same way your credit score decreases with every debt accumulated is how it improves as you take little steps to clear debts and penalties. Therefore, be patient. Each strategy sets the motion and eventually gives you a business credit score close to 100.