Category: Leadership Mantra

4 Ways To Prevent Employee Burnout

4 Ways To Prevent Employee Burnout

  • JessTredgold
  • Mar 14th, 2023

Maintaining high performance and growth in your business is not limited to benefits and promotions. It is essential to f....

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Transparency is a Key Leadership Principle

Transparency is a Key Leadership Principle

  • JessTredgold
  • Mar 9th, 2023

Simplicity, Transparency, and Focus are three important Leadership Principles that I adopt to achieve Major Goals. Wh....

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How Do You Deal With A Vindictive Boss?

How Do You Deal With A Vindictive Boss?

  • JessTredgold
  • Mar 1st, 2023

'How to Deal With Vindictive Bosses' is a matter which I am regularly asked to write about. Vindictive bosses can mak....

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

  • JessTredgold
  • Feb 23rd, 2023

I was once listening to my son practising with his guitar in the next room, going over the same piece again and again. I....

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7 Things Every New Leader Needs To Do To Be Successful

7 Things Every New Leader Needs To Do To Be Successful

  • gtredgold
  • Feb 15th, 2023

Starting a new leadership role can be both exciting and daunting. New leaders face a range of challenges, as....

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7 Benefits of Being An Accountable Leader

7 Benefits of Being An Accountable Leader

  • gtredgold
  • Feb 8th, 2023

Leadership is a critical aspect of any organization, and effective leaders play a vital role in determining the success ....

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10 Steps to Becoming a Better Leader

10 Steps to Becoming a Better Leader

  • gtredgold
  • Feb 7th, 2023

Leadership is the cornerstone of any successful organization, and being a strong leader is essential to driving growth a....

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5 Tips That Will Help Empower Your Team

5 Tips That Will Help Empower Your Team

  • gtredgold
  • Feb 5th, 2023

As leaders, we all hope that our teams feel empowered and that they will take ownership, and show initiative without us ....

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Core Values, Vision, Mission Statement

Core Values, Vision, Mission Statement

  • JessTredgold
  • Jan 24th, 2023

Recently I have been spending time defining my Core Values, Vision, and Mission Statement, i.e the steps I would tak....

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Great Ideas Come From Everywhere

Great Ideas Come From Everywhere

  • JessTredgold
  • Jan 19th, 2023

The "not invented here" syndrome affects many large multinational corporations, which makes it difficult for them to uti....

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