Best Business Advice From Top Hospitality Leaders

The hospitality industry had a challenging time during the pandemic, but it is back with a bang. Businesses have more opportunities now because they are already well-placed to explore an additional revenue stream with cloud kitchens. As a beginner, you can start small even without a physical location. Established businesses can double their revenues by welcoming guests and delivering the best doorstep delivery services. But more opportunities translate into tougher competition as more and more entrepreneurs join the bandwagon. Let us share the best business advice from top hospitality leaders to beat the competitors and set yourself apart.

Focus on customer experience

Customer experience is everything when you run a restaurant, bar, or hotel. After all, you do not sell products, but you deliver experiences. So your customers judge the experience you deliver in the form of food, service, and ambience. Look for ways to delight your patrons with extras such as great music, entertainment with live shows, and food presentation. Every creative idea can give you a competitive edge.

Keep your guests safe

As businesses reopen and customers return to restaurants and hotels in the new normal, they have expectations beyond a great experience. Hospitality leaders recommend going the extra mile to keep your guests safe. Follow the standard safety protocols, and get thoughtful with additional measures. For example, you can create private booths at your location to facilitate distancing and display the precautions taken to make your location virus-free. 

Get the right people on board

The hospitality sector relies on seasoned employees who give their best with food and services. Think beyond the culinary and client servicing skills when you hire restaurant staff because these are only the basics. Every person you bring on board must have a pleasant personality, excellent communication skills, patience, and empathy. These traits are crucial in the people-facing roles as employees have to deal with angry and frustrated guests more often than you imagine.

Keep an eye on reviews

Restaurants and hotels cannot expect to make every customer happy. You may get positive and negative opinions, so be open to feedback. Leaders suggest keeping an eye on reviews and considering the negative ones as constructive feedback. Covering up your flaws is the last thing you should do. Instead, use the reviews to improve your services and processes so that you never fail to meet expectations in the future. Be polite and express your gratitude for both positive and negative opinions.

Cultivate a positive work environment

Besides doing the best for your customers, you must create a positive work environment for your employees. The industry is a stressful one to work in, with long hours, demanding guests, and unexpected errors to deal with. But you can do your bit by motivating your people and helping them achieve an optimal work-life balance. Set realistic schedules, incentivize good work, and invest in training and development. A happy workforce sets you up for success.

Running a successful hospitality business is a daunting challenge, but it is absolutely achievable. Try these proven ideas to match customer expectations and ace employee loyalty.