Trust, the currency of Leadership


Trust is the only currency that really matters when it comes to Leadership.

Our customers need to be able to trust us, they need to know that when we make a commitment on service quality, delivery times, cost or quality that they can rely on us to deliver it. They base their business plans our what we commit to and need to know that we will do our part to ensure that those plans come to successful fruition.

Our teams need to be able to trust us, knowing that we what we say and what we do will be the same. They need to know that we will take care of them, making sure that they have the right tools for the job in hand, a clear understanding of what is needed and what success looks like, and thy need to know that they can count on our support should they need it. They need to trust us that we know where we are going and that we will be successful together

Without trust, there is doubt, mistrust, a lack of certainty and these will ultimately put us onto the road to failure.

Without trust why should our teams work for us, trust breeds loyalty, and loyalty ensures that our teams say with us, without this our teams will look to leave for places where they feel that they can find the trust they are looking for.

Trust is the currency of leadership,  without trust there are no followers, and without followers, there is no leadership.

If you want to improve your leadership, then you need to focus on building trust.