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Attitude v Aptitude

Attitude v Aptitude

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 15th, 2012

Aptitude is the about having the ability, talent or competency to do a particular task or job. Attitude is all about be....

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Faster, Better, and Cheaper is it possible?

Faster, Better, and Cheaper is it possible?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 14th, 2012

There is a saying “Faster, Better, Cheaper pick any two!” The implication being that it’s not possible to deliv....

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AIM for Success!

AIM for Success!

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 14th, 2012

AIM: Aspiration; Inspiration; and Motivation. These are three key elements we need to fire up in order to improve our dr....

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There is no post today, why is that?

There is no post today, why is that?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 13th, 2012

Well, my wife read yesterday’s blog and said I needed to practice some of these leadership principles at home, before ....

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What does Success look like?

What does Success look like?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 12th, 2012

The are so many reasons why it’s important for us to define what Success looks like: If you don’t know what Succes....

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Is organizational structure important?

Is organizational structure important?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 9th, 2012

In many organizations we spend a significant amount of time reviewing the organisational structure, tweaking it, changin....

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The Power of Win-Win-Win

The Power of Win-Win-Win

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 9th, 2012

If you can create Win-Win situations in all areas, there is no limit to the success that can be achieved. When we creat....

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Motivation not demotivation!

Motivation not demotivation!

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 8th, 2012

Leaders often talk about the importance of motivating people. However, in many instances where the teams are not perfor....

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Developing the next generation of Leaders

Developing the next generation of Leaders

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 8th, 2012

As a leader one of my key responsibilities is: to develop the people who work with me; to push them to new heights; and ....

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Show confidence in your team and they will return the compliment.

Show confidence in your team and they will return the compliment.

  • Gordontredgold
  • Sep 7th, 2012

Leaders define the culture in their organisations and if, as Leaders, we don’t show confidence in our people, then thi....

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