Core Values, Vision, Mission Statement

Recently I have been spending time defining my Core Values, Vision, and Mission Statement, i.e the steps I would take to achieve my Vision

We all likely believe that we know what our vision or dream is: perhaps it is to become wealthy and well-known, to be a rock star or a great leader, or perhaps it is as simple as being a great parent.

Initially, my Vision was related to things I wanted to achieve, such as writing a book, opening a leadership centre, be a great parent, create my own charity, etc., etc., but as I went through the process I realised that as in many things, it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey.

So my vision changed from things I wanted to achieve, to the person I wanted to be and the person I wanted to be remembered as.

So my Mission Statement changed from being about actions achieving specifics, to how I would look to live my life, about how I would be on my journey and not about solely focusing on the destination.

We never know what we can fully achieve, so I decided not to try and define that, as it might limit what I think is possible, I would just look to take my journey, be myself every day, and any achievements that I make would be a bonus.

My achievements do not define me.

Who I am, and how I live are what define me.

So here is my personal Mission Statement, these are the things I need to do each day in order to be the person I want to be and to be remembered as I would like.

  • – I Believe in myself!
  • – Carine and my children feel my love and I help them grow into the people that they want to be through my unconditional support
  • – I am loving, enthusiastic and unconditionally happy
  • – I make people smile and feel special and good about themselves through my love and compassion
  • – I am conscientious about my health, exercise regularly and eat well
  • – Carine and I enjoy our life together through travelling, quiet times, good food, good wine & good company
  • – I give back by donating my time, and my ideas, and raising money for charity
  • – I inspire people to follow their hearts and dream big: through my actions and my example; through my love and compassion; and helping them see their potential and helping them believe anything is possible
  • – I leverage my skills by: speaking more; writing more; coaching more; helping more; giving more; and leading more
  • – I Believe in myself

Everyone’s Mission Statement will be different, as I mentioned it’s linked to our Core Values, our Vision and our Dreams.

I share this because for me, having gone through this process of defining it, gives me greater clarity and I can fully recommend going through the process. To do so you need to find calm and be able to listen to your inner voice.

Only you can define it, no one else, this is about our very essence.

It’s about who we are, about who we will be and about who we want to become.

If you want to learn more about creating highly engaged teams or being a better leader click the link to make an appointment to talk about how I can help.