Category: FAST Video

Why You Need To Run Your Own Race (Video)

Why You Need To Run Your Own Race (Video)

  • Gordontredgold
  • Jul 24th, 2018

When you compare yourself with others, this can lead to false comparisons, demotivation, frustration and lead you to con....

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How Do We Promote Self Esteem

How Do We Promote Self Esteem

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 21st, 2016

As leaders we need to focus on building self esteem within our teams because when we do that it will help to increase t....

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Do You Have Empowerment 360

Do You Have Empowerment 360

  • Gordontredgold
  • Jul 1st, 2016

To be effective leaders we need to have Empowerment 360, and it we don't have that it can impact our effectiveness and i....

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Who’s Responsible For Engaging Your Team?

Who’s Responsible For Engaging Your Team?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Jun 29th, 2016

With employee engagement running at around 30%, that means 70% of our teams either either disengaged or actively disenga....

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