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Hope for the best, but plan for the worst!

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst!

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 6th, 2012

Today, I thought I'd write about contingency as this came up in a project that I was reviewing. Everyone knows that pro....

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Dealing with Uncertainty

Dealing with Uncertainty

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 5th, 2012

As Leaders one of our main roles is to deal with uncertainty, to provide leadership and guidance for our teams when the ....

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Big, Bold and Inspiring Goals

Big, Bold and Inspiring Goals

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 3rd, 2012

As leaders it is our responsibility to set big, bold goals for our organisations. We need to challenge ourselves and ou....

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Impact of Winning Culture

Impact of Winning Culture

  • Gordontredgold
  • Nov 2nd, 2012

Nowhere do we see clearer impacts of Winning Culture than in sport, and this week we had a great example, which i though....

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Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 30th, 2012

As we enter the season of performance appraisals it's important to remember how critical these are to creating a winning....

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Building a Diverse Organisation.

Building a Diverse Organisation.

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 28th, 2012

How do we build a diverse organisation? For me, it all has to start at Corporate. We need a diverse Corporate organisat....

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 23rd, 2012

I have been asked to provide some thoughts on diversity. This is a huge topic, so I thought I would start off by talkin....

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Tradition or stagnation.

Tradition or stagnation.

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 17th, 2012

In practically all companies that I have worked when you ask the question why do we do something the way we do it, you....

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Hero’s and Influences.

Hero’s and Influences.

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 15th, 2012

I was asked the other day, who was my biggest influence in a leadership context. I thought about it for a couple of min....

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My first job, success or failure?

My first job, success or failure?

  • Gordontredgold
  • Oct 14th, 2012

My first job straight out of University was as a Production Manager in Textile Wallcovering Factory based in Leeds. We ....

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