How to Boost your Businesses Growth by Adapting Employee Wellbeing Initiatives

How to Boost your Businesses Growth by Adapting Employee Wellbeing Initiatives   

More and more businesses in the US are taking up employee wellbeing programs, focusing on elements such as financial education, emotional and physical wellbeing of the workforce, job fulfillment, social connectivity and many more.

Businesses now realize that it’s important to exercise these wellness programs at the workplace. It has a significant impact on their employee’s wellness, team’s engagement, overall productivity, and cohesiveness.

Leave days can be reduced, as well as disability or unplanned sickness as a result of having a healthier and happier workforce. So, if you are looking to have a team that is healthy and happy then follow the employee wellness initiatives discussed below.

Arrange a Flexible Workplace

Many employees can benefit immensely from working from home. It’s a good idea to give your employees the option to work from home at least once a week.

This will effectively boost their productivity by providing a mental and emotional break from the monotony of the workplace, as well as not having to take the long commute to work.

Of course, you have to be careful to award this to only the more effective employees who will reap the most benefits of this feature.

Provide Work-Life Balance Coaching at Work 

24/7 technology and Globalization is increasingly taking a toll in the work-life balance for many employees. Especially for employees that also have to take care of their families.

So, it will be helpful for businesses to arrange coaching services from experts that will guide new employees or new parents into how to strike the perfect balance between work and personal life.

Employees that are happy at home will definitely be more productive at work. This will be especially helpful for the parents.

Provide Coaching for Retirement

For all employees, retirement is a huge transition that affects them both personally and financially. So they stand to benefit a lot from any coaching services that a company may provide.

This type of coaching can enhance mindful career planning in employees, as well as enhance their productivity and efficiency. It also helps to boost positive morale in an employee until they are truly ready to retire.

Policies that Allow a Short Snooze

Sleep is essential when it comes to a healthy workforce. It is directly linked with an employee’s productivity and wellbeing. Lack of sleep can lead to an employee being unwell and thus unable to perform perfectly at work. This, in turn, will lead to a company losing out on revenue.

A short nap can be the answer. So companies can have policies allowing their employees to take short naps up to 20 minutes to boost their alertness, resulting in improved employee performance. Thus they will be able to positively contribute to the company’s overall growth.

Trips with Incentives

One of the many different ways an employee can feel appreciated is by giving them incentive based trips. You can arrange trips that include incentives for the managers and employees on a regular basis.

This can help in boosting the morale and wellbeing of the employees. Incentive-based trips are likely to have a longer lasting effect on the employees rather than monetary gifts or words of appreciation.

In-office Fitness Programs

Employee’s wellbeing will benefit immensely if companies arrange for them to have physical workouts at the office premises. Employers can make the in house staff feel better by organizing yoga classes or seminars to teach them how to deal with stress.

Setting up a gym at the office premises is a good idea. These physical activities can enhance the employee’s work life balance, work productivity and overall health.

Provide Training on Mindfulness

To increase the productivity of the employees and help them focus better on their day to day job, it’s important to provide the employees with mindfulness training.

They can be trained in yoga, meditation and breathing techniques so that they can increase their efficiency and be more present at the workplace. By implementing these mindfulness programs employers can ensure a win-win situation for the company and employees alike.

Provide Access to Healthy Food

Companies need to ensure that their employees have access to healthy food and pure water. As taking healthy food is the best medicine, you must ensure that the office cafeteria has affordable organic and non-processed foods.

You can also arrange programs to help teach the employees about the importance of healthy food and how to eat healthily. These sessions can be interactive, enabling the employees to clear their minds about any questions regarding healthy eating habits and their benefits.

Creating a Sense of Contribution and Purpose

Success and growth can seem meaningless if there is no one to whom you can give back and there is no purpose attached. Life can seem healthy and purposeful if you have the opportunity to do good for others.

So you can arrange social and corporate responsibility programs that teach your employees how to engage in non-profit charitable causes. These educational programs will provide the employees with a sense of being fulfilled and be able to give back to the community.

Bringing Together the Whole Organization

It’s important to make the employees feel that the senior management cares about their wellbeing. So members of the senior management also need to take part in employee wellbeing programs actively. You can also take suggestions from the employees about what programs might be beneficial for them.

Taking feedback about wellness initiatives is also important, giving the management the chance to know how effectively the initiatives are running. Different employee groups can also be involved in helping to implement workplace wellness programs. This would increase the morale of the employees making them feel included.


Senior management must first take into account the basic needs of the employees. Armed with that information they should design and implement the wellness programs. Then for these measures to be successful the management needs to regularly review the results of these ongoing initiatives.

That will give them the idea if the programs are being properly utilized. Managers should amend the initiatives according to the changing needs of the employees in order for them to be fully successful. So, implement these steps for a better, healthier and happier workforce.

Author Bio:

Emily is a content writer at FeedFond. A flagbearer of organic eating and a fitness freak, she’s a healthcyclopedia. To read more of her articles, visit