Results Based Leadership: Power of Win Win Scenarios

The Power of Win-Win in Results Based Leadership

Results should be the goal of every leader. As a leader, you’re not brought in to maintain the status quo, your job is to help the teams achieve their goals, and for that, you need to have a ‘results based leadership’ approach.

As a leader, you’re not brought in to maintain the status quo, your job is to help the teams achieve their goals, and for that, you need to have a ‘results based leadership’ approach.

You need to make results your focus because it’s so easy to get distracted and drawn into administration issues, and other management tasks that just drain your time and energy and diminish your ability to influence the rate of progress being made.

As a leader, I am always looking to try and create win-win relationships, whether this is between myself and the employees, between myself and suppliers and also between myself and the customers. The more people we can have winning the more success we can achieve collectively and also individually.

Too often I see people looking to maximise their win in individual scenarios or relationship, but this is actually a bad move, because whenever you try to maximise your return on an individual situation, you can end up pushing it to win-lose, and ultimately win-lose relationships end-up as lose-lose, because people won’t want to do business with you again so it’s not sustainable, or it could cause the other party to quit and neither of you end-up winning.

If you want to win more, then create more win-win situations, accumulate more wins, don’t try and maximise individual wins,  This is also much more sustainable, because when we help others win, they will always be willing to come back and do business with you again.

Creating win-win situations is crucial to results based leadership because it maximises success, by helping to achieve more successes.

Imagine how much you can achieve if everyone in your company feels like they are going to win too, imagine the level of engagement that creates, Success is a drug and the more you can create for your teams the more they will want and the harder they will work for it.

It’s the same with customers, and also suppliers when you create win-win relationships they will be happy to come back and do business with you again. It not only increases results, it makes the success sustainable.

When you utilise win-win approaches as part of your results based leadership approach it has many many benefits and I highly recommend it, it leads to more success, sustainable success and more opportunities.


If you want to know more about how to create win win relationships or results based leadership approaches contact me at to arrange a complimentary strategy session.